Models of Interacting Populations: Nullclines and Vector Fields
Model definition
intPop <- function(t, state, parameters) {
names(state) <- c("N1","N2")
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
dN1 <- r1*N1*(K1-N1+a*N2)/K1 # Population 1
dN2 <- r2*N2*(K2-N2+b*N1)/K2 # Population 2
list(c(dN1, dN2))
Model parameters
parameters <- c(r1 = 1, # Growth rate for population 1
K1 = 13, # Carrying capacity for population 1
a = -2.2,# Interaction parameter for population 1
r2 = 1, # Growth rate for population 2
K2 = 57, # Carrying capacity for population 2
b = -2.9 # Interaction parameter for population 2
ff <- flowField(intPop, # Function defining ODE model
xlim = c(0,50), # Range of X variable
ylim = c(0,50), # Range of Y variable
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
add=F) # Needed when the the first thing being plotted
nc <- nullclines(intPop, # Function defining ODE model
xlim = c(0,50), # Range of X variable
ylim = c(0,50), # Range of Y variable
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
points = 500, # Number of points used to define nullclines

y0 <- cbind(sample(0:50,20),sample(0:50,20))
ff <- flowField(intPop, # Function defining ODE model
xlim = c(0,50), # Range of X variable
ylim = c(0,50), # Range of Y variable
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
add=F) # Needed when the the first thing being plotted
trj <- trajectory(intPop,
y0 = y0, # Matrix of initial conditions for trajectories
tlim = c(0,30), # Time limit for each trajectory
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
col = rep("red", 20)) # Color of lines showing trajectories

ff <- flowField(intPop, # Function defining ODE model
xlim = c(0,50), # Range of X variable
ylim = c(0,50), # Range of Y variable
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
add=F) # Needed when the the first thing being plotted
trj <- trajectory(intPop,
y0 = y0, # Matrix of initial conditions for trajectories
tlim = c(0,30), # Time limit for each trajectory
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
col = rep("red", 20)) # Color of lines showing trajectories
nc <- nullclines(intPop, # Function defining ODE model
xlim = c(0,50), # Range of X variable
ylim = c(0,50), # Range of Y variable
parameters = parameters, # Model parameters
points = 500, # Number of points used to define nullclines