linMod <- function(t, state, parameters){
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
dx <- dxx*x + dxy*y
dy <- dyx*x + dyy*y
list(c(dx, dy))
parameters <- c(dxx = 3,
dxy = -6,
dyx = 2,
dyy = 1
time <- seq(0, 10, 0.01)
state <- c(x = 10,
y = 10)
A close form solution of a linear system of ODEs can be obtained based on the eigenvalues and eigenvectors for the matrix representing the linear system. This is why eigenvalues can be used to describe the long term behavior of linear system and more importantly the stability of steady states.
A <- with(as.list(c(parameters)), rbind(c(dxx,dxy),c(dyx,dyy))) #Matrix representing linear system
eigenA <- eigen(A) #Computes eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix A
const <- solve(eigenA$vectors,state) #Compute integration constant
x <- with(as.list(c(eigenA,parameters)), #defines the values of x over time based on ODEs
y <- with(as.list(c(eigenA,parameters)), #defines the values of y over time based on ODEs
plot(time,x,col=4,type="l",lwd=2,ylim=range(c(x,y)),ylab = "Values")
lines(time,y,col=2,lwd = 2)
legend("topright",legend = c("x","y"),col = c(4,2),lwd = 2) #Define plot legend
Notice that the results from the closed form solution and the numeric simulation should be “the same”.
out <- ode(y = state,#Initial conditions
times = time, #Time definition
func = linMod, #Name of function defining ODEs
parms = parameters #Parameter values
plot(out[,"time"],out[,"x"],col=4,lwd=2,type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Values",ylim=range(c(x,y))) #Plot x vs time
lines(out[,"time"],out[,"y"],col=2,lwd=2) #Plot y vs time
legend("topright",legend = c("x","y"),col = c(4,2),lwd = 2) #Define plot legend
traceA <- sum(diag(A))
detA <- det(A)
desA <- traceA^2 - 4*det(A)
mt <- abs(traceA)
plot(seq(-3*mt,3*mt,0.01),seq(-3*mt,3*mt,0.01)^2/4,xlab="tr A",ylab="det A",
axis(1, pos=0)
axis(2, pos=0)
plot(x,y,col=1,type="l",lwd=2,xlim=range(x),ylim=range(y),xlab="x",ylab = "y")
The above defined system has a trace of 4 and a determinant of 15. The eigenvalues of this system are 2+3.32i and 2-3.32i, and based on this information this steady state of this linear system is unstable and the system osscilates.