As we saw previously, SIR models are simple epidemiological compartment models that predict the spread of an infectious disease. In this example, we will use the SIR model as a way of demonstrating how to linearize a non-linear model.
DiagrammeR::grViz("digraph {
# Initialize graph
graph [layout = dot, rankdir = LR]
# Define the nodes and global styles of the nodes. We can override these in box if we wish
node [shape = circle, style = filled]
#Edges in graphs must be between nodes, therefore dummy nodes are needed for signaling edges and input/output edges
OS [fixedsize = TRUE, width = 0, height = 0, label = ''] #Dummy node
S [fillcolor = green]
SI [fixedsize = TRUE, width = 0, height = 0, label = ''] #Dummy node
I [fillcolor = red]
IO [fixedsize = TRUE, width = 0, height = 0, label = ''] #Dummy node
R [fillcolor = blue]
# edge definitions with the node IDs
edge[fontsize = 10]
# Edge weights are not necessary, but can be used to get edges in straight line (higher weight edges have more emphasis)
S -> SI [label = 'rI', weight = 2, dir = none]
SI -> I [weight = 2]
I -> SI [label = '+', tailport = n, style = dashed, fontcolor = blue, color = blue]
OS -> S [label = 'rBirth', weight = 2]
I -> IO [label = 'rDeath', weight = 2]
I -> R [label = 'rR', weight = 1]
R -> S [label = 'rS', weight = 1]
SIR <- function(t, state, parameters) {# SIR is the name of this function with inputs t, state, parameters
# with function executes lines in {} (differential equations) using values defined in state and parameters
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
dS <- rBirth + rS*R - rI*S*I #ODE for susceptible population
dI <- rI*S*I - rR*I - rDeath*I #ODE for infected population
dR <- rR*I - rS*R #ODE for recovered population
list(c(dS, dI, dR)) #Return change in variables
parameters <- c(rBirth = 3, #Birth rate
rDeath = 0.02, #Death rate
rI = 0.05, #Infection rate
rR = 0.05, #Recovery rate
rS = 0.01 #Loss of immunity rate
Initial conditions in this example are based on slighty perturbing the system from a steady state.
ss <- c(S=140,I=150,R=750) # Steady state values of S,I, and R
perturb <- c(dS=30,dI=-30,dR=-50) # Perturbation from SS
state <- with(as.list(c(ss, perturb)),{
c(S = S + dS, #Initial number of susceptible individuals
I = I + dI, #Initial number of infected individuals
R = R + dR #Initial number of recovered individuals
times <- seq(from = 0,to = 300, by = 1) #Definition of time (initial,final,step size)
#ode is like ode45 in Matlab and is used to simulate systems of ODEs
out <- ode(y = state,#Initial conditions
times = times, #Time definition
func = SIR, #Name of function defining ODEs
parms = parameters #Parameter values
plot(out[,"time"],out[,"S"],col=3,lwd=2,type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Population size",ylim=c(0,800)) #Plot S population vs time
lines(out[,"time"],out[,"I"],col=2,lwd=2,type="l") #Plot I population vs time
lines(out[,"time"],out[,"R"],col=4,lwd=2,type="l") #Plot R population vs time
legend("topright",legend = c("S","I","R"),col = c(3,2,4),lwd = 2) #Define plot legend
To generate the linearized SIR model we simply take the partial derivative of each equation, and evaluate the resulting expression at operating point (steady state). Note: Not all equations will need to be dependent on all variables.
lSIR <- function(t, state, parameters) {# SIR is the name of this function with inputs t, state, parameters
# with function executes lines in {} (differential equations) using values defined in state and parameters
with(as.list(c(state, parameters)),{
dS <- rSR*R + rSS*S + rSI*I #Linearized ODE for susceptible population
dI <- rII*I +rIS*S #Linearized ODE for infected population
dR <- rRI*I + rRR*R #Linearized ODE for recovered population
list(c(dS, dI, dR)) #Return change in variables
Lparameters <- with(as.list(c(ss, parameters)),{ #Parameters for the linearized model are dependent on the
# parameter values of the nonlinear model and the SS
c(rSS = -rI*I,
rSI = -rI*S,
rSR = rS,
rIS = rI*I,
rII = rI*S-rR-rDeath,
rRI = rR,
rRR = -rS
The linearized model is capturing the perturbation from a steady state, therefore, the initial conditions for the linearized model is just the perturbations. Note: In the linearized model (0,0,0) is a SS.
Lstate <- with(as.list(c(perturb)),{
c(S = dS, #Initial number of susceptible individuals
I = dI, #Initial number of infected individuals
R = dR #Initial number of recovered individuals
times <- seq(from = 0,to = 300, by = 1) #Definition of time (initial,final,step size)
#ode is like ode45 in Matlab and is used to simulate systems of ODEs
Lout <- ode(y = Lstate,#Initial conditions
times = times, #Time definition
func = lSIR, #Name of function defining ODEs
parms = Lparameters #Parameter values
To transform the linearized model back to the original space the SS values are added to the variable values.
plot(Lout[,"time"],Lout[,"S"]+ss["S"],col=3,lwd=2,type="l",xlab="Time",ylab="Population size",ylim=c(0,800)) #Plot S population vs time
lines(Lout[,"time"],Lout[,"I"]+ss["I"],col=2,lwd=2,type="l") #Plot I population vs time
lines(Lout[,"time"],Lout[,"R"]+ss["R"],col=4,lwd=2,type="l") #Plot R population vs time
legend("topright",legend = c("S","I","R"),col = c(3,2,4),lwd = 2) #Define plot legend